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Financing and orthodontic insurance

Financing and orthodontic insurance

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Cost of orthodontic treatment and payment modalities

Nous offrons des plans de paiements individuels

We offer individual payment plans

The cost of an orthodontic treatment depends on many factors, the main ones being the complexity of the case, the patient’s age, the anticipated treatment duration and the type of appliances used to make the corrections. At your first consultation visit, you will have an evaluation of the treatment cost and you will be able to discuss it with us. Treatment cost will be confirmed in writing before the beginning of treatment. We will be pleased to review with you the various payment and financing options we offer to help you meet your budget.

There may also be “geographical” variations in the orthodontic treatment fee depending where you live and are treated (city, province, country).

Orthodontic insurance coverage


To determine your orthodontic coverage, you must communicate with your insurance Plusieurs plans d'assurance collective couvrent l'orthodontie. Informez-vous.company or the plan administrator where you work and ask the following questions:

Note: When you talk to a representative of your insurance company, make sure to obtain their name and coordinates. This can facilitate future communications with your insurance carrier.

Once you have established that you have orthodontic coverage, and after financial arrangements have been made with our office, we will complete a Certified Specialist in Orthodontics Standard Information Form approved by the Canadian Association of Orthodontists.

Points to remember:

Co-ordination of benefits:

To learn more about orthodontic insurance coverage and submitting insurance claims to your carrier visit the Canadian Association of Orthodontists website.


Updated: 2016-02-14

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