

Two-phase orthodontic treatment

L’orthodontie peut-elle stimuler ou accélérer la croissance mandibulaire et si oui, les effets demeurent-ils? Existe-t-il un avantage à traiter un enfant en bas âge lors d’une première phase de traitement suivie d’une deuxième à l’adolescence ou est-il préférable d’attendre l’adolescence et de traiter en une seule phase? La littérature orthodontique nous éclaire à ce sujet.

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Palatal expansion (rapid maxillary expansion)

L’expansion maxillaire rapide permet d’équilibrer la largeur des mâchoires en élargissant un maxillaire supérieur trop étroit. Cette procédure doit être faite en bas âge pour permettre une séparation de la suture maxillaire sans intervention chirurgicale.

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Early and late dental eruption

Examples of dentition with chronological eruption anomalies   Late eruption Find the anomaly! This 22-year-old young man has his wisdom teeth in the mouth… but not the upper canines that do not have enough space and are blocked by the temporary canines that should have been extracted more than 10 years ago. The permanent canines […]

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Dental eruption

Les parents s’inquiètent souvent si leur enfant ne semble pas avoir un développement dentaire normal. Il existe des variations affectant la pousse des dents primaires et définitives ainsi que la chute des dents primaires. Doit-on s’inquiéter devant un retard d’éruption ou une dentition précoce?

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Eruption and shedding of primary teeth

The human dentition comprises 20 deciduous or baby teeth and a maximum of 32 permanent teeth. The eruption of the teeht into the oral cavity shows great variation but follows a general pattern.

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Space management in the developing dentition and dental arches

In orthodontics, preserving the space available in the dental arches for the eruption of the permanent teeth is essential during the development of the dentition in order to minimize eruption problems and ensure that teeth erupt in the best possible position. The space available in the dental arches is affected by the difference in width […]

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Prevention in orthodontics

The American (AAO) and Canadian ( CAO) Associations of Orthodontists recommend that children have their first orthodontic evaluation or screening no later than age 7. At that age: it is the ideal age to evaluate children’s dentition; some of the permanent teeth have already erupted but there are still many temporary teeth in the mouth. […]

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At what age should a first orthodontic evaluation be done?

Une évaluation précoce peut être bénéfique pour le développement de la dentition et l’occlusion.
À quel âge devrait-on faire évaluer les enfants en orthodontie?

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Growth and development

Here are a few important points about patients’ growth and development as it relates to orthodontics: Certain types of orthodontic problems can only be treated successfully if favorable growth exists (more particularly significant imbalances between the jaws) if jaw surgery is to be avoided. Deficient or excessive growth can influence the treatment plan and the […]

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Serial extractions in orthodontics

Serial extractions are a preventive and interceptive procedure that consists of strategically extracting certain temporary teeth in situations where there is a severe lack of space in the mouth and/or the eruption path of the permanent teeth is abnormal. Like a compass, this procedure aims at orienting the teeth to facilitate their eruption. This procedure […]

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