Wanting to offer on this website content and quality of information respecting the highest standards possible, we have taken steps to get a HONcode certification.
This prestigious certification was granted to us in April 2016.
This site is the first to obtain such certification in orthodontics in Canada (and probably in America) and is the “largest” orthodontic website in the world to obtain it.
What the HONcode?
- Health On the Net Foundation (Heatlh On the Net Foundation (HON)) is a non-governmental organization, known internationally for its pioneering work in the field of ethics for online medical information, including the establishment of a code of conduct of ethics, the HONcode.
- This code of ethics guides Web site managers in the implementation of fundamental mechanisms to make available quality medical information, objectively and transparently tailored to the mission and to the site’s audience. It is an ethical standard aimed at offering quality health information. It demonstrates the intent of a website to publish transparent information. The transparency of a site improves the utility, usefulness, and objectivity of information and the publication of correct data.
- HON was founded to encourage the dissemination of quality health information for patients, professionals and the general public, and to facilitate access to the latest and most relevant online medical information.
- The HONcode is the most widely accepted in the field of online health and medical publishers in the reference. The HONcode is used by over 7,300 certified websites (2,000 in French) with more than 10 million Web pages in 102 countries. This code of ethics is the oldest (1995) and most used for reliable medical information about health on the Web. It is designed for the general public, health professionals and web publishers.
- The HONcode certification is a moral obligation to disclose the editorial information. It demonstrates the commitment of a site to publish useful health information, objective and correct.
- Sites requesting certification and the certified sites agree to comply with good editorial practices enacted in the HONcode and the requirements for the HONcode certification.
- To learn more about the HONcode.
Questions and comments – moderation
- The pages of this website include a section of questions and comments for the readers. Questions regarding orthodontics are welcome.
- To date (April 2016), more than 20,000 questions, comments and answers have been published on this site. Check them out at the bottom of the pages in the different sections of the site before asking a similar question. You may find the answer you are looking for! A search engine at the top of the pages can help you in your search for information.
- We will try to answer questions as soon as possible. The delay may be a few days or longer during certain times of the year (summer, holidays, etc.) and according to our availability.
- If you ask a question, you will also be notified automatically by email if someone else responds to your comment or question if you checked the box for this purpose at the bottom of your comment.
Answers to questions and comments
- We may not answer all the questions we receive. We will focus on issues of general interest that could interest a majority of people visiting this site. We will not necessarily respond to questions identical to previous questions already answered.
- The author answering the questions is indicated at the beginning of each response. The questions are mostly answered by Dr. Jules E. Lemay III (Dr Jules) unless otherwise indicated in which case the author of a response will be clearly indicated.
- The answers represents only the opinions of the author and do not replace a consultation with a specialist or medical professional in the respective field of each question (general dentist, orthodontist, other dental specialist, physician, etc.).
- If you find useful information in the pages you view, thank you for giving a “note of appreciation” (vote) at the top or bottom of pages (at the beginning of the questions section).
- The questions are “moderate” and must be approved before publication. Moderation questions is done by Dr. Jules E. Lemay III. To learn more about his qualifications.
- Moderation frequency is done at the publication of each question or comment, which is almost daily.
- By default, all users are considered non-health professionals.
- If a health professional other than Dr. Lemay gives medical information as a user of the platform, its status as a health professional will be shown.
- The platform users and moderators must behave at all times with respect and honesty.
- Moderators can banish a user of the platform with or without notice.
Treatment plans
- We can not respond to requests for development of specific treatment plans in a particular case, this is not the purpose of the “questions and comments”.
Treatment cost
- We can not give the estimated fees or processing costs without evaluating a patient clinically. See ” Financing ” for more information.
Financial disclosure
- Dr. Jules E. Lemay III has no affiliations or business partnerships with any dental, orthodontic or medical company whatsoever and has no financial conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry, laboratory or manufacturing of products or dental or medical equipment.
- The companies and products mentioned in this web site or cited in the responses are for information purposes only or because Dr. Lemay knows or uses them personally or because a question was put to him about a specific product. If a specific product is mentioned, it is important to realize that other similar products also exist.
Website content and pictures
- Unless otherwise indicated, all content of this website is original content produced and written by Dr. Jules E. Lemay III and the latter as the publisher. When content comes from another source, the references are given in the text.
- Updating and up-to-date content of this website is necessary and when additional information is available.
Google analytics
- This website uses Google Analytics to analyze the audience of the site and improve its content. To learn more about the principles of privacy and security of Google Analytics and the various measures taken to ensure the protection of your data.
- Each posted message is “public” and can be read, used and cited by all.
- The platform user has the possibility to change erase or delete his posts.
To learn more about our privacy policy.
- This website may use a cookie that can be used to evaluate the pages visited.
Clinical photos
- Unless otherwise noted, the “before/after” pictures are of the same person and the consent of the people whose picture is posted on the website was obtained properly.
- The photos have not been retouched to alter the clinical characteristics. Brightness adjustments, contrast, cropping, etc. may have been made to improve the quality of the photos.
- Some non-medical photos, dental or orthodontic images could have been purchased through commercial image sites. These photos are copyright free and have no special identification.
- Photos and images are all original content produced by Dr. Lemay. Otherwise the source and references will be indicated.
- Expected results and “guarantees”: We expressly draw your attention to the fact that the observed result is specific to the individual and that the same result cannot be expected or “guaranteed” for another person, because of the individuality of each patient. In other words, the expected outcomes are unique to each individual, and the consequences of an orthodontic treatment or surgery can not be guaranteed 100%.
- For more on obligation of means and results and “guarantees” in orthodontics.
Terms of use Web 2.0
Welcome to our Ortho-Blog of questions and answers about orthodontics that you find at the bottom of the pages of this website.
- The objective of this forum is to publish and disseminate information about orthodontics to the public and answer questions about different aspects of orthodontics.
- To participate in this forum users must be at least 13 years old. The forum rules apply to any action carried out in all the sections of the forum.
- Our site is moderated with the publication of each question (daily).
- Moderators and administrators are volunteers, they use the following aliases:De Jules for Dr. Jules E. Lemay. Dr Lemay is a certified specialist in orthodontics (orthodontist) and a health professional. To learn more about his qualifications.
- The moderators and forum members, other than Dr. Lemay, are not considered health professionals unless the contrary is indicated. If a health professional gives medical information as a user of the platform, its status as a health professional will be shown.
- Moderators can delete all messages that seem inappropriate without informing its author.
- Moderators can banish a member of the blog. In both cases, an explanation will be provided to the user if requested.
- The information provided on this blog is intended to support, not replace, the direct relationship between patient and health professionals.
Confidentiality & privacy
- Remember that each posted message can be read, used and quoted by all. You have the ability to delete or edit your comments.
- To view our privacy policy.
- The moderators and users should behave at all times with respect and honesty.
- Using our blogs, you agree to publish only information that is true and correct in the light of your knowledge. We invite you to provide sources (references, links…) medical data disseminated whenever possible.
- You are not permitted to broadcast advertisements in your comments, either as text or banner.
- All comments are automatically dated.
Contact and communication
- You can contact the moderators of the blog by email at info@ortholemay.plogg.in
Ce site respecte les principes de la charte HONcode.
Vérifiez ici.
We comply with the HONcode standard for health trust worthy information: Verify here.
Updated: 2016-04-16