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Invisalign® – The invisible braces!

Invisalign® – The invisible braces!

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Our practice is certified to offer Invisalign® treatments. As providers, we can offer this new and revolutionary technology that allows to treat certain types of problems without the use of visible braces.

Ask us if Invisalign is right for you.


What is Invisalign®?


Invisalign® advantages

What happens during an Invisalign® treatment?

Please note that Invisalign® is not ideal to treat all cases but if you are interested in this technology, ask us if you are a good candidate for an Invisalign® treatment .

Invisalign orthodontiste Lemay

To learn more about Invisalign; English site (USA), French site(Europe), .

Invisalign® Treatment simulation

La simulation virtuelle Invisalign Clincheck  permet de voir les résultats du traitent avant de le débuter.

The Invisalign Clincheck virtual treatment simulation allows the practitioner and the patient to see the results of the treatment before it is started. See the video below for a simulation of this case


SImulation virtuelle d'un traitement Invisalign

The Invisalign Clincheck simulation shows the planned treatment results. Here is a virtual simulation of the case above. See the video below for an animated simulation of this case.

Invisalign Teen – The clear alternative for adolescents

Invisalign Teen offers a winning combination to both practitioner and patients patients. Get the benefits of Invisalign with a new alternative for treating certain types of cases among adolescents.
  • Adolescents have a changing dentition; permanent teeth complete their eruption process ant their bite is changing constantly.
  • Invisalign Teen is the only orthodontic alternative using transparent aligners designed specifically to address the concerns and specific requirements for treating non-adult patients.
  • This innovative technology includes features that ensure better monitoring of the patient’s cooperation and allow the natural eruption of permanent teeth and better control the position of the roots.

Teens are always on the move and and their mouths are changing. Invisalign Teen has been designed with that in mind and that’s why it offers special characteristics:

  • Blue wear-indicators help patients, parents and the practitioner verify the cooperation (wear time) which is essential for treatment success.
  • Aligners are designed to permit and anticipate the eruption of teeth during the treatment.
  • Six replacement aligners are provided free in case the patient loses or misplaces them!

Invisalign Teen aligners will allow teens to keep their active lifestyles. The aligners are removable so patients can maintain a normal oral hygiene by facilitating brushing and flossing. They can continue their daily normal activities, play sports, play a musical instrument, etc..

Ask us to see if Invisalign Teen could be for you.

SmartTrack, a new revolutionary material for clear aligners

At the beginning of 2013, Align Technologies, introduced a new plastic material for the fabrication of their Invisalign aligners.This new product, called SmartTrack offers many advantages over the earlier plastics such as:

  • better tooth movement control,
  • enhanced patient comfort,
  • generating lighter, gentler and more constant forces,
  • higher elasticity plastic,
  • better aligner fit over the dentition.


SmartTrack le nouveau plastique pour Invisalign est plus confortable et performant.

The new SmartTrack plastic is used for the fabrication of Invisalign aligners since the beginning of 2013. It offers greater performance and enhanced patient comfort.



Watch this promotional video by Align Technologies describing in 30 seconds life with Invisalign!

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